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A guru, a teacher, a father, a mother, a brahmana, a cow and a yogi all should never be killed. Serving them is our true Dharma.
धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः – मनु कहते हैं- जो धर्म की रक्षा करता है धर्म उसकी रक्षा करता है । सत्य से धर्म की रक्षा होती है ।
Brahma Samhita
cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa
lakṣāvṛteṣu surabhir abhipālayantam
govindam ādi- puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of lakṣmīs or gopīs.
Rik Samhita
यः पौरुषेण क्रविषा समंक्ते यो अश्वेन पशुना यातुधानः ।
ये अघ्न्याये भरति क्षीरमग्ने तेषां शीर्षाणि हरसापि वृश्चः ॥
(Rik Samhita 87 – 161)
Oh fire god, with your flames burn the heads of those demons who eat the meat of humans, animals like horse and cow, and those who steal cows’ milk.
प्रजापतिर्मह्यमेता रराणो विश्वैर्देवैः पितृभिः संविदानः ।
शिवाः सतीरुप नो गोष्ठमाकस्तासां वयं प्रजया संसदेम ॥
(Rik Samhita 10 – 169 – 4)
May the supreme Lord, complemented by all the Gods, create auspicious and spacious cowsheds for our happiness and populate them with cows and calves. Let us rejoice the cow-wealth and contend by serving those cows.
Atri Samhita
वागिंद्रियस्वरूपायै नमः ।
वाचावृत्तिप्रद्दयिन्यै नमः ॥
अकारादिक्षकारांतवैखरीवक्स्वरूपिण्य़ै नमः ॥
(Atri Samhita 310)
By the service of the cow and consuming cow products, awareness and spirit, both enhance.
यन्न वेद्ध्वनिध्यांतं न च गोभिरलंकृतम् ।
यन्नबालैः परिवृतं श्मशानमिव तद्गृहम् ॥
The house where Vedas are not chanted, where cows are not seen where children are not around it is like a graveyard.
गोमूत्रगोमयं सर्पि क्षीरं दधि च रोचना ।
षदंगमेतत् परमं मांगल्यं सर्वदा गवाम् ॥
Cow’s urine, dung, milk, ghee, curd and gorochana – these six are the most auspicious products.
पीतोदका जग्धतृणा दुग्धदेहा निरिंद्रियाः ।
आनंदा नाम तेलोकस्तान् स गच्चति ता ददत् ॥
(Kathopanishat – Nachiketa tells sage Vajashravas during Vishwajit Yaga)
These cows have eaten grass and have taken water. They have been milked. They are past reproductive age. One who donates these old cows will go to place of darkness devoid of pleasures. Instead, donate me.
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